Grace and peace in the most glorious name of Jesus. I felt it necessary to write to you concerning the great importance of gospel literature/tract evangelism for the advancement of the Christian faith. As some of you know, I’m big on gospel literature/tract evangelism. I’m convinced that all Christians should be…. 

After reading a daily devotional the other day (which is noted below), and recalling a recent trip to one of the big department stores. It really dawned on me again just how important distributing gospel literature is; you’ll see what I’m getting at in the following sentences as well as the quotes below. As I was walking up to go into the store, I placed a gospel booklet on the bench in front. While exiting the store and heading to the parking lot, low and behold, there was a store employee on break with the gospel booklet open. With in minutes this booklet was being read. O my brethren, let this be awake up call to us all—the importance of gospel literature distribution. We sow the seed and God gives the increase.

In a tract titled “Every Christian a Publisher!” by Ernest Reisinger, published by Chapel Library (in my opinion, the best gospel literature ministry), Ernest makes several excellent points regarding the influence on the world distributing good Christian literature. One in which is of great significance; he notes this quote from Daniel Webster (1782-1852) US statesman:

“If religious [Biblical Christian] books are not widely circulated among the masses in this country, I do not know what is going to become of us as a nation. If truth be not diffused, error will be; if God and His Word are not known and received, the devil and his works will gain the ascendancy; if the evangelical volume does not reach every hamlet [community], the pages of a corrupt and licentious literature will; if the power of the Gospel is not felt throughout the length and breadth of the land, anarchy and misrule, degradation and misery, corruption and darkness, will reign with out mitigation or end.”

It is encouraged that all read the tract “Every Christian a Publisher!” You can order it from Chapel Library (details below). When this tract is read, you will see the great importance of gospel literature getting into the masses hands.

Reflecting on an experience that I once had with an individual (others too) visiting in my office, who said, not sure of the precise statement, something to the effect of; “tract evangelism is not personable…I don’t like it.” If your all not convinced from any of the above statements, I’m sure this individual, as well as you, will totally change your minds when you read the following from the “Our Daily Bread” devotional:

February 23, 2000

A Small But Powerful Seed

Read: 1 Thessalonians 1:5-10

Our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Spirit. -1 Thessalonians 1:5

Bible In One Year: Numbers 7-8; Mark 4:21-41

The small piece of paper was hardly worth bending over to pick up. Yet the young father retrieved it, and what he read changed his life.

As a devout Hindu living in India, he was religious to the core, with temple ritual an integral part of his life. But as he focused his eyes on the paper he had picked up, he noticed that it explained a new concept. It told him that he was a sinner and needed a Savior. He decided to put his faith in Jesus Christ, who freely offers forgiveness of sins to all who will ask.

One tiny tract. One powerful seed that had far-reaching results. The man eventually became a preacher, taking the good news of Jesus to areas in India where the gospel had not been proclaimed. Later, two of his sons became missionaries, taking the good news about Jesus to new towns. As a result, 22 churches have been started, and thousands have heard God’s message of freedom in Christ.

If a piece of paper has the gospel printed on it, it has the power of God behind it. Likewise, when we share the gospel with others, our words have the power of God in them.

The gospel is not static-it comes equipped with God’s power and the Spirit’s conviction (1 Th. 1:5). When we tell a friend about Jesus, we plant a small but powerful seed. -JDB

You think your word or deed is very small,
That what you say will hardly count at all;
But God can take the seed that you have sown
And nourish it until it’s fully grown. -Hess

We plant the seed, but God gives the harvest.

If you have come this far you should be convicted and raring to “go ye…” and get that gospel literature out. Noted below are some suggestions & tips for the distribution of gospel literature:

Place tracts in your bills that you mail. When you are out dinning leave one where people sit waiting for a table, give one to the receptionist, leave one on the table, with the waiter (then you can be personal), and in the bathrooms….

Coffee houses were college students and others frequent are excellent places for gospel literature, Laundry Mats, Bart trains (in the S.F. Bay Area) and stations, and all mass transit means are great places too, buses etc.

Place them in phone booths, at the post office, and gas station pumps, in the malls, park benches, hospitals, elevators and community centers….

Another great place is ATM’s; people come and go there on a regular basis. When your checking out of your local grocery store give one to the checker, be personal then if there is opportunity.

Send them in a letter to family & friends. Christmas & Easter are excellent times for this, or anytime of the year.

E-mail, an excellent way to reach the world right where you are. After all, this is how many of you were reached. Some ministries have electronic tracts that can be sent via e-mail.

Wherever you are is a mission field, even your doorstep. When the salespeople & cults come knocking at the door, give them a gospel tract. The list of places for distributing gospel literature is unending. Always keep tracts by the door, in your car, purse, wallet, checkbook, briefcase, shirt pocket. “…always be ready to give an answer for the hope that you have…” (I Peter 3:15).

In addition to the above tips, here is another excellent way to share the good news of Jesus with others too. When you receive those unwanted phone calls, salespeople or whoever, graciously stop them, and say; “can I ask you a question?” Then you reply; “Do you know Jesus?” This is a win win situation, either you’ll be able to share the gospel of Jesus with them, or they will be eager to hang up. Just remember to apply II Tim. 2:24-26 & Col. 4:5-6 in all your efforts—prayer is of utmost importance in all efforts.

It is my hope & prayer that this message has, and will, encourage all to get that gospel literature out in the masses, as well as verbally. May our blessed Lord shine His glorious face upon you.

Christ’s unprofitable servant,

Timothy D. Oliver, Director


tdosoldier@yahoo.com –Mark 1:14-20; 16:15; John 3:16-18

PS Here’s how to reach Chapel Library www.mountzion.org Ph# 850-438-6666

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  1. I have read your information for Gospel Literature Evangelism power and benefits,Iam very happy to be sure that I can learn many things from you concerning this Ministry of Literature Evangelism Ministry.God bless you.Iam a Literature Evangelist for 25 years now here in Tanzania,I have been searching for People who can be of help in Literature Evangelism Training so that I can include those teachings in our School of Ministry syllabus,how can you help me

    Iam anxiously waiting to hear from you

    Pastor Dr Gervase Martin Masanja
    Tanzania,East Africa

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